Now, I must give credit where credit is due. I think the two months of wacky diet meals did help me reset my culinary clock and help me see the light in terms of eating well-balanced and portion controlled meals. Over all, I've shed about 5 pounds, which is probably only noticeable to moi . . . but my goal wasn't to become an effing supermodel, so whatevs. Mama G, I'm very proud to say, has lost over 20 pounds -- and is still going strong!! Can we get a round of applause? I am so proud and so happy for her -- and I can tell that she is feeling happier and more positive about her goals! I am obviously still gonna be her #1 cheerleader, but right now my goal is slightly different. I'm dedicating myself to developing a long-term healthy lifestyle through awareness, rather than restriction. That means trusting my food judgment, being aware of where my food comes from, listening to my body to determine when I am hungry and when I am full, and taking the time to enjoy good food and good meals as a genuine experience. Deep, I know.
So my first day of Freedom Eating started when Chelsee brought me this amazing homemade Chocolate Pumpkin Swirl Brownie!
If a pumpkin pie and a chocolate cake made a baby, this would be their delicious offspring!! For the recipe, check out We Are Not Martha -- Chelsee and Susie's super-cool lifestyle blog. They are translating Martha Stewart's over-the-top perfection into something any 20-something with a stove can achieve -- high five, ladies! :)
Watching the blogging success of the Martha girls was part of what inspired me to start this blog -- so when Chelsee told me that they were going to be attending the BlogHer Conference in Boston , I decided to tag along and get some serious blog schoolin'. I wasn't really sure what to expect, having never attended a "conference" of any kind. The day turned out to be super inspirational, and I am psyched about rededicating myself to growing this blog and chronicling my new journey. I also met a ton of cool people and learned a crapload about networking, blogging basics, and food photography 101. Yes, I have officially drank the Kool-Aid of the BlogCult, people -- so be on the lookout for new developments around here in the future!
1 comment:
Yayy! Am excited to see where your blog goes :)
Saturday was a blast...can't wait to go to the next conference/event!
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