Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Kitchen Witch?

So I went to the Garment District in search of a Halloween costume. For those of you not from the Boston area, the Garment District is a giant mecca of vintage clothes / costume-age / make-your-own-tshirt-y goodness. Everyone and their mom was there, costume hunting. Actually -- it was more like, every fraternity and their house-bunnies were there, looking for "giant chicken" and "slutty pirate" costumes. Tres original.

I wasn't feelin' the costume vibe, but I did find this little beauty in amongst the "50's & 60's Retro" racks:

Nothin' says, "Get back in the kitchen, woman!" quite like a vintage apron! After some pondering, I've decided I can actually incorporate this into a kick-ass Halloween costume . . . but I will say no more about that now. Bwahahaha!


Susie said...

That is adorable!! It actually looks kind of like a dress. I have never been to the Garment District and really need to get my butt down there to check it out! Maybe not at Halloween time though.

Zarebski said...
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