And now, a look back at today's feasting . .
Nutrisystem Cranberry Orange pastry
nonfat yogurt
Aww! It's so cute!
A "complete breakfast" straight out of a TV commercial . . . all this needs is some sort of little Nutrisystem cartoon character hovering around my plate!
So the Cranberry Orange pastry was decent. It was a bit on the dry side -- nothing like that Miracle Brownie I had last nite. I was immediately reminded of the kinds of "breakfast treats" they used to hand out on planes, back when they actually served food on planes. This is the type of "pastry" that would be "good!" at 55,000 feet, after a 6 hour trans-atlantic flight. If the Cranberry Orange Pastry was served to me by a matronly British flight attendant, and came with a hot towel and complimentary mini-toothbrush . . . I probably would have enjoyed it a lot more. That said -- I snarfed it in anyway and appreciated its early-morning-sweet-carby-goodness.
Nutrisystem Black Beans & Rice
Salad with turkey breast
Shhh! The black beans and rice are cooking . . .
And now they are done . . .
Behold, the savory goodness!
I have to say, with the exception of the brownie, this Black Beans and Rice bowl was the best meal I've had so far. It smelled delicious while "cooking" in its little cup and was flavorful and fresh. I won't lie -- I've had meals at Applebee's that were far *less* delicious than this little Cup o' Wonder . . . of course the Applebee's bar is not very high. But still. Viva la Black Beans!
Mixed it up today with a 1/4 cup of fat free cottage cheese and a nectarine. Mmmm! Not boxed!
Nutrisystem Mushroom Risotto
1/2 c. cooked broccoli
1 cup fresh spinach
1 pear
Chef's Special -- risotto!
It's amazing what a little broccoli can do. Color is our friend!
Dinner fit for a bistro table on the Isle of Capri . . . or something . . .
Tonite I was feeling a little . . . Continental. We went South of the Border for lunch . . .time to hop the Pond for dinner. Again -- the appearance of the entree . . . not fabulous. A little brown and awkwardly sticky. I threw some broccoli in there to mix up the color palatte a bit, and that seemed to help. Taste-wise, this risotto was a winner! I was pleasantly surprised by the whole slices of mushroom, and thought I even detected a hint of meat flavoring. After consulting with the Chef (or box) I saw that this does in fact contain veggie sausage crumbles, which was a nice touch! I think it also helps that I was not normally eating things like risotto or noodles or rice on a regular basis before -- so I have no "Real Risotto" expectations for this to live up to! It was delightful -- and I am surprisingly full!!
And finally, tonight's . . .
Chocolate Peanut Butter Bar!
Now, I am something of a connisseur when it comes to "bars". I should probably buy stock in the Luna Bar company. That said, I was a little nervous to try this Nutrisystem version. What if it didn't live up to my snack bar standards?
I need not have feared! While this was perhaps not as blatantly candy-bar-like as a Nutz Over Chocolate Luna, it was definitely superior to many of the other nutrition / dessert bar products out there. Pria bar, I'm looking at you! This Chocolate Peanut Butter bar was chewy and moist, appropriately peanut-buttery, and deliciously filling! Man, these reviews are starting to sound awfully repetitive! Maybe tomorrow I'll pick some of the scarier looking foods out of the box, just to shake things up. Until that, time for sweet, nutritionally solvent dreams!
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