Helloooo, Rudolph!
Not exactly at my best in that photo, hahaha! Cut me some slack, though -- it was taken after 9 hours in a field watching my Gentleman Friend play Ultimate Frisbee! I don't know how he was still upright afterwards . . . and for the record, he was lookin' much better than I was!
Getting ready for some hard-core cheerleading . . . this is before the sun came out and kicked my ass . . .
Anyway, due to a busy weekend, I realized I didn't have time to post my Friday menu pics, so allow me to travel back in time and do that now:
Friday Breakfast
Nutisystem Blueberry muffin
Fat free cherry vanilla yogurt
The muffins were super cute! A little dry perhaps, but I enjoyed that fact that there were 2 of them in a package . . . it took me forever to eat . . .
Friday Lunch
Nutrisystem chicken salad with melba toast crackers
Spinach salad with 1/4 c. cottage cheese
Eww . . . is that baby vomit on my plate?
Nope, just "chicken salad"
I won't lie, I was a little afraid of this stuff, especially when I first opened the pouch that it comes in. It looked like someone had already consumed this chicken salad and then generously coughed it back up for others to enjoy. It was slightly less terrifying once plated, however -- and it tasted surprisingly good! By now you'd think I would have learned not to doubt the magic of this Nutrisystem food . . . "just relax and let the drugs do their work!" . . . I did, however, have a bit of an upset tummy later on in the afternoon and evening, which at first I was thinking could have been a result of this "chicken salad". Now I'm thinking the culprit might have been impending LadyTimes (huzzah!)
Friday Afternoon Snack
Nonfat raspberry yogurt
Friday Dinner
Nutrisystem Thick Crust Pizza
Spinach salad with broccoli
I felt like a rainy Friday night called for some old-fashioned weekend comfort food, so I turned to pizza. I wish now I had taken some more pics, because the pizza was kind of like a make-your-own kit. You got to add the packaged "sauce" and "cheese" to the "crust" yourself! It was just like bein' a kid again . . . except more diet conscious. The end result was pretty good -- the crust was kinda chewy (that's microwave pizza for ya!) but the sauce was delish . . . and the scary freeze-dried "cheese" actually melted really nicely!
Nutrisystem Peanut Butter Cookie
I didn't snap a pic of this cookie because I was nibbling it as I was getting ready to go out, but it was as close to a homemade-tasting cookie as one might get from a pre-packaged, mail-order snack! Real pieces of peanuts and little peanut butter chips made this yuuuum-tacular! Again, a bit dry . . . I'm thinking I might experiment with putting some of these pastry items in the microwave for 10 seconds to see if that makes them a little moister.
Now, yesterday was my first Nutrisystem Challenge. Could I stick to the plan while spending the entire day in an open field, miles from the nearest microwave? I armed myself with several ready-to-eat Nutrisystem tidbits and a bag full of fruit, and I was ready to go! Unfortunately, I didn't take any pictures of my meals yesterday since they were kinda sporadic . . .
Saturday Breakfast
Nutrisystem chocolate chip scone
Dunks ice coffee with skim milk and splenda
I nibbled my scone in the car on the way to the Ultimate Frisbee Tournement while my comrades enjoyed their bagels. The scone wasn't too bad -- again, kinda dry -- but surprisingly, I wasn't too jealous of the bagel-munching going on around me. My breakfast had chocolate in it - hahaha!
Saturday Lunch
Nutrisystem chocolate raspberry lunch bar
This bar was super delicious! I only wish I hadn't been eating it in the middle of a field in the blazing hot sun -- things got melty pretty quickly. I skipped my lunch salad because of a lack of cooling technology to keep veggies from getting gross, and substituted a serving of fruit instead.
Saturday Afternoon Snack
Nutrisystem white cheddar soy chips
Again, I mixed up the order of my Nutrisystem foods, which I think is ok. Since I wasn't sure what time we'd be getting home from the tournement, I wanted to bring a snack that was more filling than just a piece of fruit, so I brought along a "dessert" pick instead. That crazy raspberry chocolate bar from lunch was actually super filling (thanks, drugs!), so I had to remind myself to eat these chips later on in the afternoon. They were decent -- a little like those little mini Quaker rice cake chips that come in individual sized bags. Not super cheesy, but appropriately crispy -- a good "carb" snack. There were a *ton* of chips in the package, too. These puppies were also a miracle food, because I was completely full for the rest of the day after eating them!!
Saturday Dinner
Nutrisysem Macaroni and Cheese
Salad with 1/4 c. tuna
1/2 c. broccoli
Even though I wasn't super hungry when I got home, I felt bad that I hadn't had a vegetable or protein serving all day, so I made a nice big salad and topped it with some tuna. I also figured I should stick to the program and made a "smaller" dinner entree -- a mac & cheese cup. It seems wrong to write down, "I picked mac & cheese as my light dinner option" . . . but to be fair, it was an Easy-Mac sized portion. The pasta was pretty al dente for something I'd cooked in the microwave. Really the only issue I had was with the sauce (which was cheesy and delish!) being waaay too watery. I thought I added the appropriate amount of water before zapping -- but who knows? I made some broccoli and poured the remaining cheese liquid over it, making for another delicious veggie serving.
Saturday Dessert
Nonfat raspberry yogurt
Since I had my Nutrisystem "dessert" as my afternoon snack, I decided to have my "fruit and dairy" servings as my late-night dessert while watching Michael Phelps win his zillionth gold medal or something. Man, is that dude tall!
So yes -- I was quite pleased with my ability to be fairly flexible on this plan and still go out and have a long, fun day in the sun! The next time I plan a day in the great outdoors, I just have to remember to pack the sunscreen along with all my food bars and such!
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