I know, I know, all has been quiet in Nutri-Gourmet world the past few days! I had a pretty busy weekend, full of hanging out with friends and fam . . . and still managed to stick my with boxed-food regime. I have to say, the novelty is starting to wear off a bit, though. I would kill for a beer and a slice of bread . . . or a fruity cocktail and a giant vat of frozen yogurt. I keep trying to remind myself how shitty my body felt 2 weeks ago after I allowed myself to binge on carbs and carnival food . . . but right now the thought of another microwaved cup of something saucy / noodley is causing an equal amount of nausea. I guess anything to the extreme can be a not-so-great thing.
Still -- I have been super loyal to the plan . . . and to my photo documentary project! I did not take pics of every single meal of the weekend . . . I figure there's only so many bowls of cereal you people wanna see. But here are some of the culinary highlights of the weekend.
On Friday, we took Chelsee to Bouchee for her birthday lunch. It's this super-cute french bistro place on Newbury St. with gorgeous patio seating, which made for an awesomely sunny Friday lunch hour . . . I almost forgot I was in Boston! I managed to stick to my plan, though with the sangria and amazing flourless chocolate torte, it was very hard! But I resisted both, first by eating part of my Nutrisystem Chocolate Peanut Butter lunch bar before we left, and then ordering a green salad with grilled shrimp:
I rewarded myself for my willpower with some lasagna for dinner:
Saturday breakfast was a yummy bowl of granola cereal and some cottage cheese with blueberries. Lunch featured a repeat of the chicken salad, which seemed to sit with my stomach slightly better this time around.
Saturday night, Papa G grilled me some fresh veggies to go with my rotini and meat sauce (which was quite good):
It was nice to dine with Mama G on Saturday! Finally, I was not the only one at the table eating space food!
Sunday morning was truly a throw-back to my childhood days. Pancakes!
I had a Sunday lunch of "Chicken a la King". I don't know what "real" chicken a la king consists of, but the chicken with noodles and gravy bowl that I consumed was certainly enjoyable.
So all in all, a successful weekend! Between a busy week ahead and the holiday weekend looming, I'm not sure how much longer my Strictly By The Book willpower can hold out! Tomorrow night I'm going out for dinner with a group of old high school friends . . . I'm going to prepare to do some creative ordering. We'll see what the Week 2 Weigh In looks like on Tuesday!
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